Friday, November 14, 2008

"Green Hooded Woman" tiny watercolor 11-14-08

Well, late last night, I just had to play with my new little watercolor field kit I put together. I love making up new kit ideas to carry my art stuff around in.

A picture of it all packed up, it only stands 6" tall and 4" wide.

Here it is with all the contents laid out, can you believe how much stuff I can fit inside it?

For the painting, I actually painted it while laying on the bedroom floor! Sometimes I think I'm just a kid in grown up clothes, doing things I would have done when I was younger. In College I painted using an old bread board on the floor, all the time! I had no desk in my apartment and it was just easier.

Well, back to my tiny watercolor. It's only 3 1/2" x 4 1/2" big! I used little brushes and the tiny little cup for water. I didn't start with any drawing, I just started painting, looking for the shapes and laid them in lightly. As I started to add the face details, that's when I checked using comparative measurements, where her mouth, nose, eyes all fell. Then I pulled the hood down a tad before putting it's green color on.

Below, I added the background wash and more on the hood, washing some background blue onto the green of the hood. I lightened the eyes also, touching them up. And then darkened the shadows.

Last is the finished little painting. I worked on hair details more, adding some burnt sienna to add warm darker tones and more hair strands. I painted some purple in the shadow on her chest near my signature. The purple was a nice choice, darkened without making it look dirty colored. I added more greens and a light wash of cadmium yellow to the upper hood to warm it up. The hood on the left side (shadow side) got only blue washes. I added some darks on her upper chest and washed over her shoulder, then lifted the highlight by dabbing a clean paper towel after wetting the paper repeatedly. Then after deciding the eyes were as good as I wanted them, (sometimes a hard thing to let go of) I added a tiny white highlight with a dot of white watercolor paint. Finished little beauty!! Hope you like it!


Anonymous said...

Mary, this is a beautiful painting. I love the look in her eyes - I have seen that look before and it is beautiful dreamy and innocent and yet seductive.
It is great to see it in progress too.
Thank you -

Mary McAndrew said...

Thanks Wendy!
I just love painting eyes, they are the most important part of the portrait to me. This one was hard because it's so tiny! I needed my reading glasses at the end, haha...
I want to try some more miniature portraits. On my website, Princess Mary in oil was pretty small, but not as small as this.

o2bhiking said...

Beautiful painting. I can barely draw a stick figure and find anyone with such artistic talent pretty amazing. Thanks for sharing.

Mary McAndrew said...

hi and thanks for the compliment! I love painting beautiful women, you should check out my Goddesses on my fine art website: I would like to work on some more small watercolors like this one.

Mostly I concentrate now on the Nature Sketching Blog, I mention it because I see you like's at (not to overload you! haha)